After some research, I realized that the easiest way for somebody to get undeserved positive feedback is by buying and selling from themselves.
Multiple Accounts
Basically, there will be people who will create multiple accounts, sometimes more than a hundred, and sell things to themselves, and giving positive feedback to both the accounts. This, however, is a very time consuming thing to do, and as such people tend to gravitate towards purchasing feedback.
Feedback Sales
There are three basic ways that people can purchase feedback.
- The seller can blatantly start bids that say, for example, "I am selling feedback". These bids are often closed by eBay almost immediately when someone reports it.
- The seller can try to hide the fact that they are selling feedback, by putting it in the title, in a less obvious manner, like, "this item generates POSITIVE FEEDBACK!", and things like that, with the words "POSITIVE" and "FEEDBACK" normally in uppercase. These bids can also fail, when someone realizes that the said item is sold for an unreasonable price, or that the seller doesn't want to sell the item to someone who really wants to buy it.
- The third way almost seems like a legit bid. The seller sells a great quantity of something small and cheap, say, a cookbook. He does not really have that many cookbooks, the main purpose of this is to sell feedback for $1. He then sets the title to be something like the second point, so that people will know.
When we buy and sell items on eBay, the rule of thumb is that you should generally buy from someone with a high feedback rating. The list above shows that there are ways to circumvent the feedback system, and so people should be cautious, even if trading with someone who has a high feedback rating.
I think that most people online are good, and that they will not scam you, but there will be bad people everywhere who cannot resist the temptation of making a quick buck. This is why I recommend that whenever you trade online, be it a big or small sale, use precautions.